Why choose Drawdown?
- Pension Drawdown enables you to take up to 25% of your pension pot tax free at the start, whilst the remainder of your fund remains invested.
- Flexible - you can adjust your investment mix and how much income you want to take.
John Daniels (DipFA)
Senior Financial Adviser
"As FCA Regulated Independent Financial Advisors, our approach is to firstly understand your goals - be they retirement or investment - and then match the appropriate funds or portfolios which suit your personal circumstances. Finding the right investment products and then reviewing through on going advice is key to how we work."
- Tailored Options - There are a variety of investment options to choose from, based on your risk appetite. Ranging from investments in cash and fixed interest products for the more cautious investor to stocks and shares for the more experienced investor.
- You can choose to take income monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually, in a lump-sum – according to your needs. You may also choose not to take any income at all.
- You can structure your income to mitigate certain liabilities to personal Income Tax. By reducing your inxome in some years, you may be able to avoid higher-rate tax liability.